Pressure intensifiers

When using a two section equal flow divider the outlet pressure on each section is equal (or slightly less) to the inlet pressure. If the pressure requirement on one section is reduced, the pressure available at the other section will increase by the same amount.

E.G. If a two section flow divider has 2000 psi at the inlet then each section will have 2000 psi at its outlet, but if one outlet is taken straight to tank then the other outlet will have 4000 psi available (approx). A flow divider having ‘unequal’ sections can be used to give greater intensification by taking the larger of the two outputs to tank.

Use of Flow Divider as a Pressure Intensifier - Using an equal element unit with two sections, pressure at one of the outlets can be approximately 2 x the inlet pressure, if the second outlet is piped to the tank. In the same way an "unequal" unit can be used to obtain higher intensification. The ratio of the displacements of the flow divider sections is a measure of the amount of intensification achieved. If a ratio of more than 4.5:1 is required (i.e. a higher ratio than can be obtained with an FDR2/2.9), one or more extra sections can be added to increase the flow to tank and thereby the ratio of intensified pressure to inlet pressure. Pressure at the intensified pressure outlet is given by:-

Po = Pi/E1 x El + E2 + E3 etc.

Po = Intensified Pressure
Pi = Inlet Pressure
E1 = Element capacity of high pressure element
E2,E3 etc. = Element capacities of low pressure elements

The inlet pressure can be calculated as for any other flow divider, (see formula under "Calculation of Inlet Pressure") taking PI as the intensified pressure and P2, P3 as the pressure drop on the tank connections of the 'by-pass' elements.

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