
Slack & Parr Hydraulics Limited is part of a group of companies based in the UK established in 1917. The company head office and works is located in the centre of the UK near Nottingham and Derby.

We offer you the design and manufacturing of a standard range of high accuracy rotary Flow Dividers which contain ground gears and lapped finishes with emphasis on accurate division and high pressure rating.

Special applications for example, Stainless Steel Flow dividers, can be manufactured for highly corrosive environments.

Small quantities and specific designs can be accomodated.

For assistance, advise or to place an order please speak with our technical sales team

UK -  01509 278434 or email hyd@slack-parr.com.

USA - 704-900-8137 or email info@slackandparrinc.com

Flow Divider FDL

Rotary Geared Flow Divider FDL

Flow Divider FDR

Rotary Geared Flow Divider FDR

Stainless Steel Flow Divider FDR

Rotary Geared Flow Divider FDR (Stainless Steel)

Flow Meter FML

Positive Displacement Flow Meter Type FML, ranges between 3 and 90 Litres

Flow Meter FMR

Positive Displacement Flow Meter Type FMR, ranges between 0.5 and 27 Litres

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